Messing with the GC

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sun Jan 20 17:14:43 EST 2013

On 1/20/2013 3:09 PM, Jens Thoms Toerring wrote:

>      thank you for the explanations. I had overlooked the
> cyclic nature of what I had produced here and, of course,
> the GC can't be blamed for not collecting objects that are
> part of a cycle. The other question about the last refe-
> rence to an object vanishing within a method call (which,
> as I now clearly understand, can't happen and wouldn't make
> much sense) was triggered by a segmentation fault I get
> when I do something similar in PySide, so I was getting
> worried if it might be due to a GC issue. Now I know its
> got to be something different;-)

Perhaps the hardest part of writing C extensions to CPython directly in 
C (versus something like Cython) is properly balancing increfs and 
decrefs. An incref without a later decref can lead to a memory leak. A 
decref without a preceding incref (so CPython thinks the object can be 
deleted, when it should not be) can lead to segfaults. So I would report 
PySide code leading to segfaults to the PySide people.

Terry Jan Reedy

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