Can't seem to start on this

Mitya Sirenef msirenef at
Thu Jan 3 19:35:13 EST 2013

On 01/03/2013 07:08 PM, Kene Meniru wrote:
> LinearSide.put("Dining", (x,y,z))  # moves 'Dining' to x,y,z location
> The put function of the LinearSide boundary class finds "Dining" (which is
> an entity class called LinearSideData) in the dictionary and then allows
> this LinearSideData class to calculate its new location using the x,y,z
> values provided.

That's what I thought, just wanted to confirm.

However, if your objective to make it as easy for the user as possible,
is it not easier to bind dining to a name and then do this?:

dining.move(x, y, z)

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