Can't seem to start on this

Kene Meniru Kene.Meniru at
Thu Jan 3 19:08:57 EST 2013

Mitya Sirenef wrote:

> Ok but if the user creates two sites, how does he then manipulate them,
> if you are not binding instances in A? (e.g. you are not doing site1 =
> Site("New Site")).
> If the user only ever needs one site, that's fine.
>   -m
In case of situations where the user needs to manipulate an existing 
component like a side (wall) for a Space, this will be done using the name 
of the component to find it in the dictionary. So for example if user 

LinearSide.put("Dining", (x,y,z))  # moves 'Dining' to x,y,z location

The put function of the LinearSide boundary class finds "Dining" (which is 
an entity class called LinearSideData) in the dictionary and then allows 
this LinearSideData class to calculate its new location using the x,y,z 
values provided.


KeMeniru at

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