PyQT app accessible over network?

Monte Milanuk memilanuk at
Fri Feb 22 16:49:32 EST 2013

On 02/22/2013 08:57 AM, Alec Taylor wrote:
> Monte: I noticed you mentioned web2py; that would be my recommendation.
> You also mention different features being available to different
> users; perfect use-case for web2py's built-in RBAC.
> Scalability: Go with Postgres, MySQL; or considering how much data
> you're talking about, even SQLite would be a close enough fit!
> Another advantage of sticking to the web that hasn't been mentioned so
> far is agnostic interoperability.
> E.g.: you can CRUD on your TV (e.g.: if it runs Android); or on your
> phone (e.g.: if you use twitter-bootstrap; which web2py comes with out
> of the box; but is usable in any framework)

Web2py does seem pretty attractive in that it seems to come with a lot 
of functionality rolled in already.  It seems to be pretty easy to 
deploy... since this would be more of a case where the volunteer match 
directors are not necessarily computer gurus, and something that can 
literally run from a USB stick on nearly any computer has its benefits. 
  I've seen some examples (I think) of twitter-bootstrap in some other 
demos of flask, and it looked reasonably attractive without being too 
over the top.  web2py's DAL seems fairly straight-forward too.  Looks 
like I may have to get more fluent in CSS & javascript, though...

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