Am I not seeing the Error?

Roy Smith roy at
Sat Aug 10 22:43:10 EDT 2013

In article <mailman.452.1376188442.1251.python-list at>,
 Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:

> When you get a syntax error you can't understand, look at the previous
> line of code. Perhaps something there is incomplete; maybe you have
> mismatched parentheses, so this line is considered to be part of the
> same expression.
> Next thing to do is split it into more lines. Why is all that in a single 
> line?

Also, try reformatting the code in a tool like emacs or eclipse which 
does syntax coloring and auto indenting.  Often, if you're missing some 
piece of punctuation, it will become obvious when your tool tries to 
indent things in some unexpected way.  Or suddenly starts coloring all 
of your program text as if it were a string literal :-)

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