Python 2.7.5 incompatible

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat Aug 3 20:00:58 EDT 2013

On 8/3/2013 6:32 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Hi Sofia, and welcome!
> On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:31:03 -0300, sofia prata wrote:
>> I use the Windows 7 and i'm trying to install the Python 2.7.5, even
>> though it's working, it says it not compatible. So then, i can't use
>> other programs that depend upon the Python like the Google App Engine.
>> What do i do?
> Start by explaining the problem in more detail. We cannot see your
> computer or see what you are doing.
> How do you know Python is working? How are you running Python? Explain
> the steps that you use, e.g.:
> "I go to the Start Menu, choose Python 2.7>IDLE, then the IDLE window
> opens. If I type code in IDLE, the code runs correctly."
> Or:
> "I double-click my program '', and it runs the way I expect."
> Then explain what says Python is not compatible. What did you do to get
> that message?  Where is the error message? Is it in IDLE? In a Windows
> dialog box? Somewhere else?
> If this is a Python error, it will almost certainly start with a line
> like:
> Traceback (most recent call last)
> and continue until an error like
> ImportError
> ValueError
> TypeError
> etc. followed by a message. Please COPY AND PASTE the entire traceback,
> starting from the first line, not just the last. Don't retype from memory
> or summarize it.
> If the error is somewhere else, and you cannot copy and paste it, then
> retype it *exactly* unless it is unreasonably long.
> If necessary, but only if absolutely necessary, try taking a screenshot
> and posting that here. But 99 times out of 100, you should be able to
> copy and paste the text, or at least re-type it if it is short.
> That will do for a start. If any of my instructions are unclear, feel
> free to ask for more help, but remember, more detail is usually better
> than vague comments.

In addition to what Steven said, what did you already have installed 
before you installed 2.7.5.

Here is a guess. You had and still have 2.5 or 2.6 installed as the 
default python. You installed 2.7.5 and left the "[x] make this the 
default python" box checked. ???

Terry Jan Reedy

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