Python 2.7.5 incompatible

Steven D'Aprano steve+comp.lang.python at
Sat Aug 3 18:32:11 EDT 2013

Hi Sofia, and welcome!

On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:31:03 -0300, sofia prata wrote:

> I use the Windows 7 and i'm trying to install the Python 2.7.5, even
> though it's working, it says it not compatible. So then, i can't use
> other programs that depend upon the Python like the Google App Engine.
> What do i do?

Start by explaining the problem in more detail. We cannot see your 
computer or see what you are doing.

How do you know Python is working? How are you running Python? Explain 
the steps that you use, e.g.:

"I go to the Start Menu, choose Python 2.7>IDLE, then the IDLE window 
opens. If I type code in IDLE, the code runs correctly."


"I double-click my program '', and it runs the way I expect."

Then explain what says Python is not compatible. What did you do to get 
that message?  Where is the error message? Is it in IDLE? In a Windows 
dialog box? Somewhere else?

If this is a Python error, it will almost certainly start with a line 

Traceback (most recent call last)

and continue until an error like 


etc. followed by a message. Please COPY AND PASTE the entire traceback, 
starting from the first line, not just the last. Don't retype from memory 
or summarize it.

If the error is somewhere else, and you cannot copy and paste it, then 
retype it *exactly* unless it is unreasonably long.

If necessary, but only if absolutely necessary, try taking a screenshot 
and posting that here. But 99 times out of 100, you should be able to 
copy and paste the text, or at least re-type it if it is short.

That will do for a start. If any of my instructions are unclear, feel 
free to ask for more help, but remember, more detail is usually better 
than vague comments.

Good luck!


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