PyCamp Registration Open for Columbus, Toronto, and Oshkosh

Chris Calloway cbc at
Wed Apr 17 17:24:35 EDT 2013

Registration is open for three upcoming PyCamps produced by the Triangle 
Python Users Group:

- A five-day PyOhio PyCamp hosted by the Ohio State University Open 
Source Club, July 22-26, 2013 the week prior to the PyOhio regional 
Python conference weekend. PyCamp is a training program and sponsor of 

- A five-day Toronto PyCamp hosted by the University of Toronto 
Department of Physics, August 12-16, 2013 the week after the PyCon 
Canada national Python conference weekend. PyCamp is a Diversity Sponsor 
of PyCon CA:

- A three-day Wisconsin Mini-PyCamp hosted at the University of 
Wisconsin Oshkosh, June 2-4, 2013 as part of the Plone Symposium Midwest 
training days:

PyCamp is the original, ultra-low-cost Python Boot Camp created by a 
user group for user groups. For beginners, PyCamp makes you productive 
so you can get your work done quickly. PyCamp emphasizes the features 
which make Python a simpler and more efficient language. Following along 
with example Python PushUps speeds your learning process. Become a 
self-sufficient Python developer at PyCamp. PyCamps are conducted in 
state of the art high technology classrooms on university campuses.

Registration will open soon also for two additional Triangle Python User 
Group boot camp events. An additional announcement will follow when 
registration opens for these events, but mark your calendars now:

- A five-day Seattle PyCamp hosted by the University of Washington 
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and UW Marketing, 
September 9-13, 2013. PyCamp is a sponsor of the Seattle Plone Users Group.

- A five-day special Python Web Programming boot camp hosted by the 
University of North Carolina Department of Marine Sciences, August 5-9, 


Chris Calloway
office: 3313 Venable Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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