For Counter Variable

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Tue Sep 25 07:20:48 EDT 2012

On 25/09/2012 11:57, Tim Chase wrote:


> Coming from C where just about *nothing* is in the stdlib and Java &
> PHP where only some core functionalities are in the stdlib, to
> Python where just the list of modules in the stdlib is humongous, I
> have to make my first stop before I
> try implementing anything I think might have even a remote
> possibility of being there.
> -tkc

I find the above paragraph amusing given the recent discussion about the 
Java singletonMap, i.e. it's someone that is rarely if ever needed but 
core functionalities are missing, how strange.

I think the next port of call after the standard library should be pypi 
followed by the search engine, possibly targetted at sites like github, 
followed by a question here.  I'm not certain about the next step, help 


Mark Lawrence.

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