Aggressive language on python-list

David Hutto dwightdhutto at
Thu Oct 18 01:43:01 EDT 2012

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano
<steve+comp.lang.python at> wrote:
> David,
> While I acknowledge and appreciate your efforts to be less aggressive on
> this list, I think you have crossed a line by forwarding the contents of
> an obviously personal email containing CLEARLY PRIVATE MATTERS to a
> public list without permission, without even anonymising it.
I get that it was a in a thread, and we;'re always told to respond
all, unless otherwise asked, and they didn't directly ask, so I
responded back to the list like the etiquette dictates.

> Not cool mate, not cool.
> The first amendment doesn't excuse this. You don't get to shout "Fire!"
> in a crowded theatre either.

That's an over exaggeration of whats going on.

> I think you owe Wu Wei, and Alex, apologies.

But only for thinking that it's always reply all, and I do apologize,
but they should have directly requested it in the email. If you follow
the discussions here, again, it's always you should 'reply all'.

> Re-adding the list to a clearly Python-related question to the list is
> marginally okay. (I normally wouldn't do it, but some people do.) Adding
> the list to a personal comment is not.

You know damn good and well opinions flutter like butterflies around here.

> And quite frankly, I sympathise with how hard your life has been,

Don't, it's made me a better person to see the very worst people in
life, be kind of a bad ass, and become better at being a stable

It made me who I'm becoming, even if who I am now is just a transitional.

> this isn't your personal support group. There is such a thing as too much
> sharing.

It was mainly a business image, and wanting to revise myself, which
I'm doing constantly. Most here are professionals, so I asked, and in
the middle of a small flame war.

> My personal advice is that I think you need to take a break for a couple
> of days and then come back focused on Python, rather than on defending
> yourself against real or imagined slights. I'm not your dad and I'm not
> sending you to your room, but sometimes a man has to know when it's best
> to just walk away and let things cool off, regardless of who is right and
> who is wrong.

I'm trying, but I do like to defend myself line for line.

I can cool off, but can they lay off while I'm doing it, and do the
same themselves?

Best Regards,
David Hutto

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