Smallest/cheapest possible Python platform?

highpointe highpointe3i at
Sun May 27 00:56:56 EDT 2012

Here is my SS:  259 71 2451

On May 26, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Paul Rubin < at nospam.invalid> wrote:

> Roy Smith <roy at> writes:
>> The Rasberry Pi certainly looks attractive, but isn't quite available 
>> today.  Can you run Python on an Arduino? 
> No.  YOu want a 32-bit platform with an OS and perhaps 1 meg of memory.
> And by the time you port Python to it unless it's there already, you may
> as well have just written your application in C.
> If you want something even cheaper than an Arduino, look at the TI
> Launchpad.  But you can't program that in Python either.  There is
> a standalone interactive Forth for it, if that's of any interest:
> There are some fairly cheap ARM boards around that could run Python, but
> they will be battery hungry compared to a Launchpad or Arduino, and
> again, may not be worth the porting hassle if there's not an
> already-done Python port.
> Lua might be another scripting language of interest (  Sort
> of the same idea as Python, not quite as nice, but smaller and easier to
> embed.  I think it wants around 50-100k of ram, still way out of the
> Arduino range.
> -- 

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