pyodbc utf-8

Markus Christen markuschristen84 at
Fri Dec 7 02:41:27 EST 2012

good morning

i am using pyodbc 3.0.6 for win32 python 2.7.3
i used it to connect with a MsSql db. Now i have a little problem with the umlaut. i cant change anything in the db and there are umlauts like "ä", "ö" and "ü" saved. so i have to change my view (of django 1.4.1) to change \xfc into ü etc. but how i have to do this?
on my webpage the umlauts are correct (without helping fonts like ü (ü)). but not the umlauts out read out of my db.

Here the code i'm using:
    conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};CHARSET=UTF8;SERVER=MAURITIUS;DATABASE=baan5c;UID=portal;PWD=P0rtalReader')
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT t_nama, t_bpid FROM ttccom100070 ORDER BY t_nama")
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

helping tags like ", 'utf-8'" or something else didnt work till now. have anyone an idea how i can fix this problem? ^^

i thanks for help

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