Procedure to request adding a module to the standard library - or initiating a vote on it

Helmut Jarausch jarausch at
Tue Aug 7 06:13:09 EDT 2012


I'd like to request adding the module

to Python's standard library in the (near) future or to even replace the 
current 're' module by it.

Personally I'm in need for fuzzy regular expressions and I don't see how 
to do this easily and efficiently without this module.

For a long term project I also need some "guarantee" that this 
functionality will exist in future.

So, is there a (formal) procedure for such a request or for initiating 
some sort of vote on it? 

I know there is a "Benevolent Dictator" for Python.
Should I try to contact him personally?

Many thanks for a hint,

Helmut Jarausch

RWTH Aachen University

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