looking for a neat solution to a nested loop problem

Tom P werotizy at freent.dd
Mon Aug 6 13:16:45 EDT 2012

On 08/06/2012 06:03 PM, John Gordon wrote:
> In <a8a7hvF8crU1 at mid.individual.net> Tom P <werotizy at freent.dd> writes:
>> consider a nested loop algorithm -
>> for i in range(100):
>>       for j in range(100):
>>           do_something(i,j)
>> Now, suppose I don't want to use i = 0 and j = 0 as initial values, but
>> some other values i = N and j = M, and I want to iterate through all
>> 10,000 values in sequence - is there a neat python-like way to this? I
>> realize I can do things like use a variable for k in range(10000): and
>> then derive values for i and j from k, but I'm wondering if there's
>> something less clunky.
> You could define your own generator function that yields values
> in whatever order you want:
> def my_generator():
>      yield 9
>      yield 100
>      for i in range(200, 250):
>          yield i
>      yield 5
Thanks, I'll look at that but I think it just moves the clunkiness from 
one place in the code to another.

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