Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at
Wed Jan 19 01:37:02 EST 2011

From: "Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at>
> On 1/18/2011 3:23 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>> I am talking about the fact that Python promotes Tkinter
> Python uses tkinter as the only choice available for the stdlib.
> Others choices not in the stdlib are available for those who want 
> something better.

The users shouldn't want something better. Everyone should create GUIs which 
are accessible for everyone by default, without making any special effort 
for doing this.
The programmers should make special efforts for making GUIS which are not 
accessible for as many users as possible if they want this but this way 
shouldn't be promoted by Python.

>> TK are not accessible for screen readers,
> I did not know that.

Most of the programmers don't know that and they don't even need to know 
that, but if a lib that create accessible GUIS would be promoted, most of 
the Python programmers would use that lib and would create good apps by 
default, without even knowing this.
On the other hand, if they started to learn to create a bad GUI, of course 
that after that they will think that a supplemental effort is necessary for 
creating good GUIS with another lib and they won't like it.


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