help - obtaining the type of the object using tp_name

Mrinalini Kulkarni mrinalini at
Sun Dec 25 06:28:55 EST 2011


 I have embedded python into a vc++ app. I need to obtain type of the 
 variable defined in the python script, in my c++ code.

 PyObject *pMyObject; -> assume points to a variable defined in the 
 python script

 Now I want to do something like this

 const char * typeName;

 typeName = pMyObject->ob_type->tp_name

 Is this possible ? I tried doing this but it crashes.

 What is the alternative way for getting the name of the type from 
 python. Is there a function available for this purpose such that I can 
 obtain the address of that function using GetProcAddress and then use it 
 for determining the type. (I am required to link to python dynamically)


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