Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

Philip Semanchuk philip at
Thu Oct 14 20:16:04 EDT 2010

On Oct 14, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

> I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesnguyen at about
> working for google as an engineer.

I know what you mean. Apparently Charles Nguyen doesn't realize that I already get no end of emails and phone calls from Sergei and Larry begging me to come work with them. They won't take a flat "no" over the phone but I can't stand another trip to California on the private jet (the Pouilly-Fuissé isn't properly chilled but it's better than the red which isn't fit for vinegar). The yacht trips are getting old too, stuck on the boat with Eric yammering on about stock options and tacking like a nervous maniac so I nearly get killed by the boom every five minutes. I'd rather be knocked unconscious into the Pacific than hear that "unique opportunity" speech again.

FWIW, I got one email from Charles Nguyen and answered  with a "thanks but no thanks". I have not heard from him again. He's perhaps casting too broad a net but the email I got looked legitimately from Google, judging by the headers.


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