Get Eclipse/PyDev to run scripts that don't end in .py

Martin P. Hellwig martin.hellwig at
Wed Mar 31 21:13:57 EDT 2010

On 03/31/10 22:37, J wrote:
> Is there any way to tell PyDev in Eclipse to run a script that doesn't
> end in .py?  Even if I have to go and manually set something for each
> file...
> I've inherited (in a manner of speaking) a dev project that is done in
> python2.6... I pulled the latest dev branch and have it opened as a
> project in Eclipse, however, none of the python files end in .py, so
> PyDev only sees them as text files.  And because of that, I can't run
> them in Eclipse to try my changes, debug, etc.
> So, is there a way to make them show up as python code without the .py
> extension?  Because of this, I also don't get any of the fancy
> indenting and highlighting that I'd normally get...
> Cheers,
> Jeff

You probably need to do that one level higher, i.e. in Eclipse (hint: 
Preferences>General>Editors>File Associations <don't forget to also add 
a 'Associated editors' for your new defined file type>).

I do have a couple of remarks though.

It sounds to me like you inherited something of more or less a 'shipped' 
product. Perhaps it would be wise to invest some time to restructure the 
project so that it works nicely with all the tools you have (unit 
testing, coverage, refactoring, etc.) and build a script that from your 
source builds the actually release (resembling that what you have 

<whining_mode status='on'>
This question would probably have been more suitable in (that is the 
PyDev forum), and it is likely that they would have sent you through to .


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