C:\Python25\Lib\IDLELIB\idle.pyw won't start

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Feb 6 00:20:13 EST 2010

En Fri, 05 Feb 2010 10:23:57 -0300, Anthra Norell
<anthra.norell at bluewin.ch> escribió:

>>>    I upgraded from 2.4 to 2.5 and am unable to start an 2.5 idle
>>>    window. The OS is Windows ME. The download of 2.5 finished with a
>>> warning saying that 2.5 was the highest version for Windows 9* Any
>>> tips?

I'd suggest a couple more tests.
Open the Python interpreter and execute:

py> from idlelib import idle

This *should* launch IDLE, or raise an error... If nothing happens, exit
the process and open another one, and execute:

py> import Tkinter
py> root = Tkinter.Tk()
py> root.mainloop()

An empty window should appear. If not, I'd say something is wrong with the
Tcl/Tk libraries.

> For the time being 2.4 works fine. I'd much prefer 2.5, though, because  
> it includes the image library (PIL), whereas 2.4 cannot even use it.

PIL has an impressive compatibility record - it works with *any* Python
version from 1.5.2 up. You should be able to use PIL with 2.4 without

Gabriel Genellina

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