Turtle graphics speed(). Seems broken

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman pfeldman at verizon.net
Sat Feb 27 23:35:28 EST 2010

Stefan Behnel-3 wrote:
> Alexander.Oot at gmail.com wrote:
>> I think the speed function may be broken from the turtle graphics package
>> "from turtle import *
>> speed('fastest')
>> forward(50)"
>> I have tried all of the different speed settings, but I get no change
>> in the turtle's speed.... does anyone know how to fix this?
> Use "xturtle"? :)
> http://ada.rg16.asn-wien.ac.at/~python/xturtle/
> Stefan
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

The Python library's implementation of turtle graphics is slow to the point
that many applications are simply impractical.  I recently converted a
program to Python/turtle graphics that was originally written by my son
using Processing; the result of the conversion is that the time to draw the
balls increased by a factor of roughly 50!  (The Processing version takes
less than 0.1 seconds to generate the image, while the Python version takes
almost 5 seconds on the same computer).  It would be good if this
performance problem can be fixed, either by patching the current
implementation of turtle graphics, or by replacing it with xturtle if that
is better. http://old.nabble.com/file/p27732940/balls.py balls.py 

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