python interview quuestions

Tim Chase python.list at
Wed Aug 11 06:50:44 EDT 2010

On 08/11/10 01:24, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 8/10/2010 8:08 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
>> In any case, if the candidate were to submit somebody else's
>> work, it would come out pretty quickly as we discussed their
>> code.  I suppose one question I might ask would be, "Can you
>> explain why, when I copy-paste one of your comments into a
>> google search box, your entire program appears?"
> Mostly likely because I wrote the original...
> would be my answer.

Unfortunately there are candidates who would give your answer but 
then have trouble with "Then why are the Last-Modified HTTP 
headers showing a date several months before our interview?" 
It's as bad as the phone-interviews I've done where in the 
background I can hear the person on the other end typing my 
questions into a search box and reading off answers.  On the 
bright side, those are short interviews... ;-)


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