What would YOU like to see in a txt to html converter?

Florian Wollenschein Florian.Wollenschein at FernUni-Hagen.de
Thu May 7 12:32:03 EDT 2009

As you might have mentioned I'm just working on a txt to html converter 
called "thc". This project is intended for me to learn Python and now 
pyQT4 to which I changed a few days ago (started with Tkinter).

I have implemented the following features so far:

- Giving a title for the html
- Choose whether it's Transitional or Strict Doctype
- Select a background color
- Show the converted file with the standard browser
- Working on a font size slider

I don't really know if this is of any use for anybody but it's just a 
fun project by a beginner :-)

Now I'd like to know what kind of features you'd like to see in version 
0.3 of thc!?

Please post them...

Have fun!

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