If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

Raffael Cavallaro raffaelcavallaro at pas.espam.s.il.vous.plait.mac.com
Sun Jul 26 17:41:31 EDT 2009

On 2009-07-26 17:04:23 -0400, Roy Smith <roy at panix.com> said:

> One
> needs to have a very highly developed sense of theoretical purity to look
> down their noses at the language that drives one of the highest volume web
> sites on the planet.

It's nothing to do with theoretical purity and everything to do with 
practicality. php has a limited range of utility. Within that range, 
it's clearly quite useful. Python is useful for a greater range of 
tasks which makes it a more generally useful (and in this sense, 
better) language.

Raffael Cavallaro

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