Why Can't I Delete a File I Created with Win XP?

W. eWatson wolftracks at invalid.com
Sat Dec 5 21:14:31 EST 2009

J wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 20:32, J <dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com> wrote:
>> connections eventually.  So being able to find who has a lock on a
>> given file or directory if the program dies unexpectedly would be
>> useful.
> Google tells me that the program Process Explorer from SysInternals
> will provide most of the functionality of lsof... so I'll look into
> that and see if it will work.  Certainly will help once I start
> opening and writing output files with my python scripts on Windows
> systems...
What I'm trying to do is really simple. In the Win XP NG, I have two 
suggestions to get rid of the Analysis folder and the empty file in it. 
One is to use a program like you suggested, and the other is to delete 
it from DOS. I just tried cmd prompt, but was not successful. My DOS 
skills are long gone, so I have no idea if there is something I 
overlooked there. I bored down to Analysis and the into it. DIR showed 
an unnamed empty file, so I tried DEL *. I seriously doubt it was removed.

Well, I'm going to reboot sometime later this evening, and knock it out 
as I described I was able to do once before after a reboot. Thne I'm 
going to fix the Python program and write a file correctly.

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