Installing Python 2.5.4 from Source under Windows

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at
Thu Apr 30 20:44:22 EDT 2009

Paul Franz wrote:
> Mark,
>    The problem is that the steps are not in the readme.txt for the 
> building Python for Windows.  The python.exe might work from the 
> Win32Release directory where it is compiled.

You should find the executables and DLLs directly in the PCBuild 
directory (for an x86 build)

> But I would like to have it create the distuils directory,

The distutils directory, and all directories used by distutils should 
already be there (hrm - maybe not the top-level 'scripts' directory...)

> and other python packages that are 
> normally part of a python distribution. 

You should find all of them there too.

> Another person pointed out 
> Tools/Msi and I will look in that directory.

IIUC that will simply package up what you just built into an installer 
but this installer package doesn't include anything you don't already 
have.  It will install into a slightly different directory structure and 
it will setup registry and start menu items etc though, so if that is 
what are after it will serve you well...



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