ANN: managesieve 0.4

Hartmut Goebel h.goebel at
Mon Oct 13 12:10:37 EDT 2008

After four long years I am happy to announce a new release of 
python-managesieve. To ensure faster development the project has moved 
to a new home at <>.

managesieve 0.4

A ManageSieve client library for remotely managing Sieve scripts,
including an user application (the interactive 'sieveshell').

Sieve scripts allow users to filter incoming email on the mail server.
The ManageSieve protocol allows managing Sieve scripts on a remote
mail server. These servers are commonly sealed so users cannot log
into them, yet users must be able to update their scripts on them.
This is what for the "ManageSieve" protocol is. For more information
about the ManageSieve protocol see `the ManageSieve Internet draft

This module allows accessing a Sieve-Server for managing Sieve scripts
there. It is accompanied by a simple yet functional user application

Changes since 0.3
   - now works with Python 2.3 and later
   - added support for TLS (STARTTLS), special thanks to Gregory Boyce
     for fixing some corner cases here
   - added support for PLAIN authentication
   - use optparse if available instead of optik.
   - API change: login() no longer uses the LOGIN authentication
     mechanism, but has become a convenience function. It uses the best
     mechanism available for authenticating the user.
   - Several Bugfixes, see HISTORY for details.

   Thanks to Tomas 'Skitta' Lindroos, Lorenzo Boccaccia, Alain Spineux,
   darkness and Gregory Boyce for sending patches.

   - added support for different authentication mechanisms
   - added option --start-tls
   - several other enhancements and bugfixes


'managesieve' is available for download at


managesieve requires Python >= 2.0

Not yet implemented

- sieve-names are only quoted dump (put into quotes, but no escapes yet).


Copyright (C) 2003,2008 by Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel at>

License: Python Software Foundation License

License for 'sieveshell' and test suite: GPL


Based on from Ulrich Eck <ueck at> which is part of
of 'ImapClient' (see, a
Zope product.

Some ideas taken from imaplib written by Piers Lauder
<piers at> et al.

Thanks to Tomas 'Skitta' Lindroos, Lorenzo Boccaccia, Alain Spineux,
darkness and Gregory Boyce for sending patches.

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