hello from colombia

Tim Rowe digitig at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 20:19:03 EST 2008

2008/11/26 fel <felipevaldez at gmail.com>:
> how can I convince them that Python is better

You can't, because it isn't.

I'd better explain that, before I'm lynched. The thing is, no language
is better than another language. A language is better than another
language *for a particular purpose*. SPARK Ada is better than Python
for safety-critical software (if only because it's easier to get
regulatory approval). INTERCAL is better than Python for
obfustication. Before you try to convert them to Python, you need to
find out all the reasons for the existing language choice and work out
whether Python actually /would/ be better. If you can do that, in the
process you will have gathered the evidence you need. If you can't do
that, why are you assuming that Python will be better?

Tim Rowe

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