File Creation Not Working In A Thread Class?

Ville M. Vainio vivainio at
Sun May 11 16:28:57 EDT 2008

bc90021 <python at> writes:

> The error message was at the top of the thread (am I incapable of posting 
> it, or are you incapable of following a thread?), but here it is again:
> IOError: [Errno 2] no such file u'tempfileName'

Typically, when you report an error message, it helps to paste the
whole traceback. For example, it may be that you are seeing an error
from an old version of the file that has quotes around tempfileName,
or the error is coming from somewhere else.

But to answer your original question: no, there are no problems with
threading and files, and this is just simple human mistake somewhere.

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