for some reason the actual tries figure is not right

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Sat May 24 19:05:12 EDT 2008

En Sat, 24 May 2008 15:32:56 -0300, garywood <woodygar at> escribió:

> can someone explain why the tries displays the wrong number
> thanks
> orginally i started off with tries = 0 but it was off by 2

How would you count that if you were playing the game "for real"? I'd say that you start (mentally) at 0 and count one more each time the other player says a word.

In your code, there are *two* places where the player inputs his guess. A common idiom is to rearrange the code this way:

tries = 0
while True:
     guess = raw_input("Your guess: ")
     tries += 1
     # break out of the loop when player guesses
     if guess==correct:
     print "Sorry..."
print "You guessed it in", tries, "tries."

(instead of all those if/else, try to use a dictionary to hold the "hint" corresponding to each word - you might even store several hints, as a tuple)

Gabriel Genellina

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