for some reason the actual tries figure is not right

garywood woodygar at
Sat May 24 14:32:56 EDT 2008

can someone explain why the tries displays the wrong number
orginally i started off with tries = 0 but it was off by 2  

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a random word 
# The player has to guess the original word can give hint

import random
tries = 1
# create a sequence of words to choose from
word = ("python", "jumble", "xylophone", "difficult", "answer")
# pick one word randomly from the sequence
word = random.choice(word)
# create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
correct = word

# start the game
print \
           Welcome to Word Jumble!
(Press the enter key at the prompt to quit.)

if word == "python":
    hint = 'snake'
if word == "jumble":
    hint = 'mess'
if word == "difficult":
    hint = 'hard'
if word == "answer":
    hint = 'correct'
if word == "xylophone":
    hint = 'music'
guess = raw_input("\nYour guess: ")
guess = guess.lower()
while (guess != correct) and (guess != ""):
    print "Sorry, that's not it." + hint
    guess = raw_input("Your guess: ")
    guess = guess.lower()
if guess != correct:
    print hint
tries += 1
if guess == correct:
    print "That's it!  You guessed it!\n"

print "Thanks for playing."
print tries
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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