where to get McMillan Installer?

gsal salgerman at gmail.com
Tue May 13 09:23:33 EDT 2008

hhhmmm...py2exe...I tried it earlier and it couldn't handle some of
the packages I was using because they were in the "egg" form.  I was
hoping Installer could...then again, I don't know how long ago
Installer was written and whether eggs came along after that...

Regarding the word 'copy'...will you please enlighten me? were you
serious? is it really banned (around here)? I mean, I thought we were
talking about an open application which, for as long as you pass along
the (GNU,GPL) license, you are allowed to provide it to other people.

So, then, allow me to ask the real question:  how do I go about
deploying a Python application to somebody who has nothing (python nor
related modules) where my application uses modules from Lib/site-
packages that are in "egg" form?



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