DISLIN 9.3 starting issues

adolfo aguirre.adolfo at gmail.com
Tue May 6 18:54:08 EDT 2008

*** I thought I posted this subject 45 min ago but it does not show so
something went wrong and it does not show up. Excuse me if I repeat
myself  ***

DISLIN 9.3 old manual problems

I just installed DISLIN 9.3 for python (DISPY is installed too)  and I
am up to:

1.4 Quickplots
Some quickplots are added to the DISLIN module which are collections
of DISLIN routines for displaying data with one command. For example,
the function ’plot’ displays two-dimensional curves.

from Numeric import *
from dislin import *
x = arange (100, typecode=Float32)
plot (x, sin (x/5))
disfin ()

I built the following little program:

from numpy import *
from dislin import *

def main():
    x = arange (100, typecode=Float32)
    plot (x, sin (x/5))
    disfin ()


*** Here are the problems:

1. The "from Numeric import" statement did not work, I replaced with
"from numpy import*" and no complains form the interpreter.

2. If I enyter "from dislin import *" I get:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    from dislin import *
ImportError: No module named dislin

I checked the environmental variables paths and it all seems Ok:
SYSTEM PATH = %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;\System32;\Wbem;C:
\Archivos de programa;\QuickTime;\QTSystem;C:\dislin\win
PYTHON PATH = C:\Archivos de programa\ArcGIS\bin;c:\dislin\python


any help will be much apreciated

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