morning in Python

castironpi castironpi at
Fri May 16 08:50:29 EDT 2008

I want to talk to the newsgroup.  As I have found that its readers
will be non-trivially attentive, I esteem it a worthwhile production,
for finely divided values of worth & while.  (Disclaimer: Don't call
me millionaire; life & money...).  It is not clear that I will be
posting code first thing, for a range of values of I.  (Yes I have
tackled decentralization and contribution in identity before.)

It's possible that I just like to write, in which case, fol. the
foregoing, I might just like to write messages, plainly ignorant of
who replies.  My name still works as castironpi, since I just don't
have e-mail.  For the plot, though, I do not know who's reading by
name.  If that makes me a villian, that's ok, mysteries are good.

I've evaluated *my* character, ladies & gentlemen, before.  I just
know the trick, which may originate in the older stories of night and

First things first, I try to represent story lines, which involves
some non-trivial automation of computer-modeled intelligence.  It
involves live people too.  You might be reading.  I'm not.

>From what plans I come with, it takes a second to infer that I'm on
the newsgroup, which generates some purified roles.  This has some
consequences for my character upon entrance.  It also complicates the
matter of getting to Python, connecting me with a larger fraction of
the community.  I am on a computer and have made games.  I've tried

I have a proposition to ask you all: Python emphasizes state.  Is it

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