Why prefer != over <> for Python 3.0?

Paul Rubin http
Sat Mar 29 07:59:00 EDT 2008

Steven D'Aprano <steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au> writes:
> reserve <> for "greater than or less than but not equal to" which is 
> subtly different. (Think about unordered values, where x != y does not 
> imply that x < y or x > y, e.g. IEEE NaNs.)

Heh, good point.

> > The scary choice is /= which can be interpreted as an assignment. 
> "Can be"?

Yes, what I mean is that some languages (e.g. Ada, Haskell) use /= for
nonequality.  So if you switch between Haskell and C, you could find
yourself typing /= when you mean != and the compiler won't flag it.

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