Talking to a usb device (serial terminal)

blaine frikker at
Mon Mar 3 16:43:17 EST 2008

> pyserial is pure python, so I don't see how it's going to be
> any more painful than something you write yourself.  If you
> want something that's more of a transparent object wrapper
> aroudn the Posix serial interface, there's (upon
> which pyserial's posix support is based):
> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Everybody gets free
>                                   at               BORSCHT!

Oh - good point. There wouldn't be any compilation issues with the C
api.  Nevermind! :)

I do have a question though.  In the termios module, I am attempting
to set the baud rate to 921600, which is what we use with
'cutecom' (because minicom does not have this as an option) and is
what the supplier recommends.  When I try to set the rate using
termios.tcsetattr(), I get an Argument Error.  I do not get this when
I use an existing baud rate, such as termios.B9600.  Is there a way I
can get around this? We would like to use it at full speed.

Thank you,

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