Obtaining the PyObject * of a class

Cooper, Andrew ACooper at cimtek.com
Mon Mar 10 11:54:37 EDT 2008

I',m currently using SWIG to generate a python interface to a C DLL.

I'm new to the Python C API and have a question that has been stumping
me for the last week.
As part of the wrapper process I want to hide some of the complexity
with dealing with handles using a python class.

But the problem I have is I don't know how to get the PyObject* that
refers to the class Pin that I have defined in the %pythoncode section

Here is a cut down version of the interface file

%module example

typedef long pin;
typedef unsigned short ushort;

ushort wkDefinePin(char *, char *, pin *OUTPUT);

  class Pin(object):
    def __init__(self, name, tic):
      self.handle = wkDefinePin(name,tic)[1]

%typemap(in) (pin tp) 
  // TODO: really need to change this to IsInstance type code
  if(strcmp($input->ob_type->tp_name,"Pin") == 0)
    $1 = PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_GetAttrString($input,"handle"));
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"arg must be type Pin");
    return NULL;

%typemap(in) (int nCnt_tp, pin *tp) 
  /* Check if is a list */
  if (PyList_Check($input)) 
    int i;
    $1 = PyList_Size($input);
    $2 = (pin *) malloc(($1) * sizeof(pin));
    for (i = 0; i < $1; i++) 
      // TODO: really need to change this to IsInstance type code
      PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem($input,i);
      if (strcmp(o->ob_type->tp_name, "Pin") == 0)
        $2[i] = PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_GetAttrString(o,"handle"));
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain Pins");
        return NULL;
    $2[i] = 0;
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
    return NULL;

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