problems with opening files due to file's path

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue Jun 10 20:50:20 EDT 2008

On 2008-06-11, Alexnb <alexnbryan at> wrote:

> I am using GUI, Tkinter to be exact. But regardless of how the
> path gets there, it needs to opened correctly. The problem I
> am running into is that the program receives a path of a file,
> either .wma or .mp3 and is supposed to open it. I run into
> problems when there is either a ")" or a number next to the
> backslash "\" in the file path. I am looking for a way to make
> it work with a variable, I can make it work when I physically
> type it in, but not with a variable that holds the path.

You're going to have to show us code and example input and
output. Your description of the problem is far too vague for
anybody to help you.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  With YOU, I can be
                                  at               MYSELF... We don't NEED
                                 Dan Rather...

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