no pass-values calling?

Christian Heimes lists at
Wed Jan 16 02:11:05 EST 2008

Ben Finney wrote:
> The term "reference" is fine, since that's exactly how it works. One
> gets at an object via some reference, be it a name or some access into
> a container object. When an object has no more references to itself,
> it becomes a candidate for garbage collection. And so on.

Thanks you, but I know exactly how Python works. I'm actually developing
CPython and PythonDotNET. While your description of Python's memory
management is technically, it's just an implementation detail of the
CPython implementation. Jython and IronPython are using different
approaches  for GC.

Anyway your message doesn't help a newbie and it gives most certainly
the wrong impression. You are using words that have a different meaning
in other languages. If you explain Python w/o the words variable,
pointer, reference or call-by-value you have a much better chance to
explain it right. Trust me :)


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