ElementTree and namespaces in the header only

Peter Bengtsson peterbe at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 09:30:17 EST 2008

Here's my code (simplified):

NS_URL = 'http://www.snapexpense.com/atom_ns#'
ElementTree._namespace_map[NS_URL] = 'se'
def SEN(tag):
    return "{%s}%s" % (NS_URL, tag)

root = Element('feed', xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
root.set('xmlns:se', NS_URL)
entry = SubElement(root, 'entry')
SubElement(root, 'title').text = 'Title'
SubElement(entry, SEN('category')).text = 'Category'

And here's the generated XML string:

<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:se="http://
    <se:category xmlns:se="http://www.snapexpense.com/

But surely the xmlns:se attribute on the <se:category> tag is
excessive since the namespace (by the URI) is already defined in the
<feed> tag. How do I set non-default namespace tags in elements
without the automatic xmlns:se attribute repeated each time?

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