Why chdir command doesn't work with client.get_transport() ?

Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com Matthew_WARREN at bnpparibas.com
Tue Feb 5 12:14:19 EST 2008

As other have said, it's because exec_command uses a new session each time.

You may get some joy with this, untested

exec_command('cd /some/where; somecommand')

uses the semi-colon to separate multiple commands on one command line.


           charles_hans at yahoo.com                                                                                                
           Sent by:                                                                                                           cc 
           python.org                                                                                                    Subject 
                                                                        Why chdir command doesn't work with                      
           02/02/2008 23:41                                             client.get_transport() ?                                 

I am new to paramiko. I wrote a script to copy files between Solaris and XP
machines as below:

import paramiko
def exec_command(trans, command):
    chan = trans.open_session()
    stdin = chan.makefile('wb')
    stdout = chan.makefile('rb')
    stderr = chan.makefile_stderr('rb')
    return stdin, stdout, stderr
def main():
    client = paramiko.SSHClient()
    client.connect(hostname, username=username, password=password)
    trans = client.get_transport()
    dummy_chan = trans.open_session()
    exec_command(trans, 'cd temp')
    stdin, stdout, stderr = exec_command(pwd)

>From the last line I found from stdout that the pwd is not changed. I
to type the full path in 'cd', did not help. Other UNIX commands such as
mkdir, cp, rm will work. Only this 'cd' never works. I got stuck here.

Please help. Thanks!

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