IMAP: How to implement GMail-like threaded conversations view

Michael Torrie torriem at
Fri Dec 19 14:54:28 EST 2008

Martin wrote:
> Currently I am trying to get used to Python's imaplib and email
> modules.
> I'like to create a webmail client simmilar to GMail.

This is off-topic, but why on earth would you want to emulate Gmail's
conversation views?  It's horrible and a very broken way of viewing
e-mail threads.  Compared the normal, threaded view of, say the
discussions on this list to the view that Gmail gives you.  For
conversations of more than half a dozen posts, Gmail's view is
unnavigatable.  Suppose I want to break into a discussion that's already
 dozens of posts long.  With a real threaded view I can easily see the
flow of the conversation, grab random posts, then maybe read their
parent or grandparent posts.  Looking at the rest of your e-mail, I can
see that maybe you do want to have real threads rather than the google
conversation view which removes all structure.

> My Questions:
> a) Is there any feature hidden in Python's built-in modules (imaplib,
> email) that already can group all my mails into threads?

Each e-mail has a referral number that refers to the parent email. Just
keep track of these in a structure and you can easily build a nice tree
of the thread.

> b) If not a... what would be the best way to implement this?
> I can think of two approaches:
> b.1) Use the "References:" field of the messages in order to find out
> which messages are related to each other.

Yes. This is absolutely the right way to do it.

> I tried a first implementation which works quite well but I don't know
> if there can occur situations where one message is related to two
> parents. Also I don't know what happens if someone is too lazy to type
> my address. He might click at "Reply", delete topic and old mail-text
> and compose a new mail. Theoretically his mail client would set the
> "References:" field accordingly never the less, wouldn't it? Therefore
> my mail client would consider that completely new mail as part of an
> older conversation.

In this case, a lazy user is a lazy user.  Probably best to encourage
people to use better etiquette when using e-mail.

> The thoughts above might lead to the second approach:
> b.2) Use the "Subject:" field of the messages.

Horribly broken.  Thunderbird does this and it drives me crazy.  I often
get messages months apart that happen to have a common subject line,
even though they aren't the same thread or conversation.  I don't want a
new message, which does not refer to the old message in any way, to
attach itself to my 6-month old message and force me to scroll down
through potentially hundreds of e-mails to find the stupid thing.  No,
the RFCs are there for a reason.  They bring sanity to the chaos.
Anything else is madness.  And the fact the Outlook doesn't do proper
referral fields just infuriates me.  Sigh.

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