Total No. of "Records" in a File?

Grzegorz Staniak gstaniak at
Sat Aug 23 14:38:30 EDT 2008

On 23.08.2008, W. eWatson <notvalid2 at> wroted:

> Maybe. I could see it if the file were truly in a record format. The # of 
> records might be kept by the OS. It's conceivable that Python or the OS 
> might see a file with a CR as "recordized". 

Isn't it much easier to use a database instead? That's what they're made for.

> How about in a slightly different case. Suppose I want to know the number of 
> files in a folder? The OS and maybe some Python method might know that.

Use "os" and "os.path". For a simple case the length of "os.listdir()" could
suffice, but then you might need to filter out sub-directories, or maybe 
count files in them too using "os.walk()".

Grzegorz Staniak <gstaniak _at_ wp [dot] pl>

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