Game design : Making computer play

dgates dgates at
Mon Apr 14 10:51:07 EDT 2008

On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:13:20 +0000 (UTC), Willem <willem at>

>Richard wrote:
>) Here's the board (which bears only a slight resemblance to one I'd seen on 
>) the Web):
>)       +---------------+
>)       | HORN   $      |
>)   +---+---+---+---+---+---+
>)  |L W|   | $ | $ |   |R W|
>)   +E-I+--CHEST+---+---+I-I+
>)  |F N|   |   |   |   |G N|
>)   +T-G+---+---+---+---+H-G+
>)  |   |   |   |   |   |T  |
>)   +---+---+---+---+---+---+
>)       |   LEGS|   |   |
>)       +---+---+---+---+
>) There are three tigers and fifteen goats.
>) The tigers' goal is to eat all the goats and remain mobile.
>) It seems that the initial tiger positions are: one on the horn, and one 
>) each on CHEST-2 and CHEST-3 (see $ marks, above).
>) The goats' goal is to block the tigers from moving.
>) The goats are placed one by one.
>) Tigers appear only to be able to move orthogonally (up/down/left/right) - 
>) although they can use the horn to whizz across the chest (e.g. CHEST-1 to 
>) HORN, HORN to CHEST-4, in two moves).
>) The rest of the rules are beyond me, I'm afraid. It's not clear how tigers 
>) eat goats or how goats block tigers.
>If it's similar to the 'other' goats and tigers game, a tiger eats a goat
>by jumping over it, for which the square behind it needs to be empty,

v4 gave us a link to a page that not only lists the rules, but lets
you try them out:

Seems like a fun quickie game to play with some coins on a piece of
paper.  I like the asymmetrical goals and the quick setup.

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