Alternate indent proposal for python 3000

Christian Heimes lists at
Sun Apr 20 12:07:41 EDT 2008

Eric Wertman schrieb:
> I was considering putting together a proposal for an alternate block
> syntax for python, and I figured I'd post it here and see what the
> general reactions are.  I did some searching, and while I found a lot
> of tab vs space debates, I didn't see anything like what I'm thinking
> of, so forgive me if this is a very dead horse.

You are definitely too late to propose a change for py3k.

> I feel that including some optional means to block code would be a big
> step in getting wider adoption of the language in web development and
> in general.  I do understand though, that the current strict indenting
> is part of the core of the language, so... thoughts?

Why should Python repeat the mistakes other languages did with SSI or
<?php ?> inline code? Python favors the MVC separation of code and layout.


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