I just killed GIL!!!

Martin P. Hellwig xng at xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 17 09:21:09 EDT 2008

sturlamolden wrote:

You killed the GIL, you bastard! :-)

> Hello Guys...
> I just had one moment of exceptional clarity, during which realized
> how I could get the GIL out of my way... It's so simple, I cannot help
> wondering why nobody has thought of it before. Duh! Now I am going to
> sit and and marvel at my creation for a while, and then go to bed
> (it's past 2:30 a.m.) Tomorrow I will contemplate whether to sell this
> little secret for big bucks, give it away for free, or just keep it to
> myself... :-)
Sounds good, though I have a question.
Is it transparent, meaning I can just write my code the way I used too 
and it makes the decision for itself to spread the tasks on multiple 
CPU's without me to worry about shared memory, spinlocks, deadlocks and 
out of order inter-depending processing of subtask without heaving 
having so much overhead that it has no performance advantage?

If not, what is the advantage above already present solutions?


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