ANN: pry unit testing framework

Aldo Cortesi aldo at
Sat Apr 5 10:13:29 EDT 2008

Thus spake Kay Schluehr (kay.schluehr at

> Aldo, when you confuse inheritance ( using an OO framework properly )
> with monkey patching no one can draw much different conclusions than I
> did.

I guess you do always run the risk of being pelted with something from
the peanut gallery when you release something in public - maybe I'll
think twice about doing so next time. 

The only "confused" person here is you - I still say that it is NOT
possible to provide the functionality Pry does by extending unittest in
any sane way. Now, if you don't agree with this, please prove me wrong
through reasoned argument or shut up. Do NOT, however, accuse me of not
knowing what inheritance or monkeypatching is unless you want to look
stupid and make my killfile. 

> But raving against and anti-hyping it for mostly trivial
> reasons and with shallow reasoning has become a fashion. Now we see
> alternatives that do little more than what can be achieved by adding
> two abstract methods to the TestSuite base class and overwrite a few
> methods of the TestLoader base class ( maybe I'm wrong about it but I
> guess the discussion has become too heated to clarify this point using
> technical arguments ).
> I just felt it was a good opportunity to debunk this anti-
> hype. I'm sorry it has gone too personal.

You can choose to use Pry or not, as you please. I would, however, ask
that you stop whining incessantly about how it's not compatible with
YOUR favourite framework, despite the fact that compatibility would
gain YOU very little and ME nothing at all. As I said in my response to
Michele, you lose the benefits of compatibility as soon as your tests
use any of the features an extension might add. To me, this means the
burden is not worth it. Since I designed and wrote Pry, I get to make
that choice, not you, and the type of feeble, offensive "argument"
you've provided is unlikely to change my mind.



Aldo Cortesi
M: +61 419 492 863
P: +61 1300 887 007

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