Python, Mysql, insert NULL

Pallavi Kale pallavi.kale at
Fri Apr 4 06:39:02 EDT 2008

Hello there, 


I was going through the thread of conversation happening around inserting
null using python into mysql. 


I am facing a similar problem here. I have to insert say 8 values into a
table using a stored procedure. Of the 8 values 2 are not null and the
remaining can be null, most of the values have datatypes as int or float.
When I try to pass null to these using python I keep getting None error from
the sql server.


I am using pymssql to talk to the database which is another reason the
parameters that I pass have to be type defined that is say @solutionID = %d
I, where @SolutionID is an integer type. 


Have anyone found a way to pass null into sql using python when the variable
is other than string, please let me know I am just learning python so I am
sure there must be a simpler and neater way to do it..



Thanks :-)


Best regards, 


Pallavi Kale 


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