setuptools without unexpected downloads

Istvan Albert istvan.albert at
Thu Sep 27 11:42:11 EDT 2007

On Sep 26, 2:09 am, Ben Finney <b... at> wrote:

> behaviour with a specific invocation of ''. But how can I
> disallow this from within the '' program, so my users don't
> have to be aware of this unexpected default behaviour?

I don't have the answer for this, but I can tell you that I myself
dislike the auto-download behavior and I wish it worked differently.

I've given up on setuptools/easy-install altogether. It is most
annoying to end up with half a dozen unexpected packages.

The default behavior should be to pop a question with a list of
packages that will be downloaded (and have a flag that bypasses this).
And of course being able to turn off this feature from


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