why should I learn python

kahrny at gmail.com kahrny at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 06:02:14 EDT 2007

On Sep 6, 10:32 pm, windandwaves <nfranc... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can someone tell me why I should learn python?  I am a webdeveloper,
> but I often see Python mentioned and I am curious to find out what I
> am missing out on.
> Thank you
> Nicolaas

 - You never really have to reinvent the wheel, and many python
modules are included by default. This means that you can accomplish
what you wanted to do much faster. Thus You can write a lot less code
to get to what you want to do. If a module does not exist yet, you can
create it!
 - It is kinda close to pseudo code, so you can 'think' much easier in
 - It can be used for many many tasks, and you can adapt your
application as need be.
 - It is still quite fast and lightweight!
 - The community in general is quite helpful
 - It is quite fun to use
 - If it's good enough for nasa.. :-P

In regards to people claiming it is not 'real', that is a load of poo!
Ignore thy c elitists. Eric Raymond wrote a nice 'Why Python?'
article. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3882

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