Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

Jorge Godoy jgodoy at
Sat Oct 6 07:15:34 EDT 2007

Tim Chase wrote:
> Any respectable comparison of Python web frameworks should
> include evaluation of at least Django and TG.  Or at least give
> good reason why the comparison excludes them.

When he said that he didn't want anything complex neither anything that used
a templating system, I thought this had already excluded a lot of
frameworks, including TG and Django.

> Zope is also missing, but I'm not sure Zope qualifies so much as
> a framework, but as an answer to the question "If Emacs were a
> Python web environment, what would it look like?"

He already had dislikings with Plone that weren't clear, maybe a lot of
those are Zope related...

I agree, though, that more time could be spent explaining "why" things were
discarded / ignored.

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